Introduction to Servicenow mid server

25 Nov 2019

ServiceNow is a cloud platform and in order to establish communication from ServiceNow instance to a client’s network, ServiceNow requires a MID Server application to be installed in the client network that runs as a Windows service or UNIX daemon on a server in customer network.

Servicenow Integrations at Light Speed

25 Nov 2019

Integration by design is establishing the communication between two systems or applications. The ServiceNow platform is based on service-oriented architecture (SOA), in which all data objects can use web services to access bi-directional data-level integration. ServiceNow integrates with many third-party applications and data sources.

Comprehensive Guide for Servicenow

25 Nov 2019

Service Portal comes in handy when users want to order or request any service or component. These requests undergo approval process based on their configuration. Service Portal can be customized by creating new pages. All the pages can be seen in Service Portal once they are active.

Considerations for ServiceNow Platform Upgrade

1 Aug 2019

This white paper describes the best practices and considerations for ServiceNow upgrade.

ServiceNow is a cloud platform for IT Service Management. ServiceNow releases 2 versions per year. Majority of the enterprises are facing challenges in upgrading their ServiceNow instance to the latest version. These challenges arise because of the complexities of the customization, number of modules implemented in ServiceNow. Lack of proper testing methodologies to validate the upgrade also increases the complexity. To ensure a safe and effective upgrade, read the release notes, create upgrade plans, and test your upgrade on non-production instances before upgrading your production instance.

ServiceNow – Integrations Best Practices

31 Jul 2019

Create the Integration application and modules as required. Secure the application so that only admin can access and view the application and modules in the navigation menu

ServiceNow – Workday Integration

23 Jul 2019

Workday is the primary source of all employee data. After employee information is entered into
Workday and integration on the ServiceNow instance is enabled, SOAP web services are used to
pull data from Workday on a schedule.